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Rural Electrification

Rural Solar
Rural areas have less infrastructure; therefore, making access to power and lighting more difficult and costly. Solar provides the power for many of these applications at a fraction of the cost to bring in the required power, especially with the cost of solar decreasing at a rapid rate.

By definition, Rural Electrification is the process of bringing electricity to remote and rural areas. This electrification service doesn’t just power homes, but it can help with the operation of farming and labor operations as well. Through Rural Electrification, electricity can be used for crop processing, household lighting, irrigation, machine operations, street lighting, and many more.

Extension of current grid systems and provision of Solar LED lighting solutions can be easily integrated into these rural areas to provide light in locations that need it most. Dark intersections, roads, signs, schools, clinics, government offices, stores and other applications can all be illuminated by solar LED lights and don’t have to rely on the grid power.

By providing lighting in rural areas, GEORINT can guarantee an increase in safety and security. This is especially true in public spaces and along roadways. By increasing the security by providing power for lighting, and even other applications such as wells which will help to reduce air borne diseases.

Let us be of service to you. Give us a call at +237-243-695-839 or +237-233-363-151.
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